A picnic in Seattle – Creative writing
to add one hour of Math to our time table but the president had adjourned the meeting saying that students need to relax a bit.
Soon the council decide to send students in 3rd to 5th grade on a picnic to Everest Park, off the school campus.
I was one of the picnicers. When we arrived at Everest Park the weather was balmy, with a cool breeze. We played in the park for a while, enjoying the weather. Soon the supervisors began to cater food like burritos and tacos. We divided into four groups. Each group ate at a different time, while some observed the lamiet in the park, others chatted, relaxed themselves and ate their repast.
The outcome of the trip was advantageous because outlaw was very low (Only food and transportation) and gave the students a breath of fresh air. Next time we are planning to visit woodland park zoo.